When your company partners with AAZ, you participate in a win-win exchange. By participating in an exemplary educational project that has been sustained for more than 30 years, you will:
1. Take part in effective humanitarian action.
2. Differentiate yourself from other players in your industry.
3. Unite your employees around a solidarity project.

The following companies have participated in our projects

Architects without borders / Architectes Sans Frontière /FRANCE

Alstom Fondation

CDC development

fondation Areva

Fondazione della comunita brescianan onlus

Association des communes genevoises

Fondation Mazars

Fondation Groupe EDF

Fondation Total

Fondation Mazars

Fondation Groupe EDF

Fondation Total
Today, the following contribute their expertise.
Rencontres au Bout du monde / RBM (solidarity & fair travel)
Being committed is good, proving it is better!
or 20 years, RENCONTRES AU BOUT DU MONDE has been a passionate specialist in travel close to the people. We organize unique trips that emphasize exchanges and encounters, designed in close collaboration with the people who receive you.
Rencontres au bout du monde is an associative tour operator that favors the development of human beings through their relationship with others.
Rencontres au bout du monde is a founding member of ATES (Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire), a network of actors and specialists in fair and solidarity tourism committed to the values of solidarity, sharing, and respect for people and cultures, to make travel a key of development and international solidarity.
During the Zanskar trips, the RBM travelers visit the LMHS in Pibiting-Ufti.
Some sponsorship have been born as a result of these visits.
Atelier Tanka (Architects)
For 15 years, Atelier TANKA has been developing a culture of design and construction that is in line with the challenges of the ecological transition and sustainable social development of our societies. The research we carry out aims to associate the improvement of the performance of our constructions to the use of materials anchored in a territory and its constructive cultures. Our projects aim to renew the image of bio-based materials such as wood, soil or plant fibers and to make the most of their performance. Our work has been distinguished by the TerraFibra Awards 2021 and AFEX 2020 for the passive school in Zanskar built in partnership with Architectes Sans Frontières and the AaZ association.
Web Hors Piste (Web marketing Agency)
Web Hors Piste is a digital agency, based in Annecy and specialized in webmarketing, natural and paid referencing, conversion rate optimization and the implementation of Web Analytics tools.
Our values are availability, expertise, attention and passion. We have at heart to support associations that defend a cause related to the environment, human, animals or health. The team has decided to devote part of its working time to help the AAZ association in order to boost its visibility on the internet and make its actions known.